Saturday, November 12, 2022

Father Christmas has entered the house

 I have been working on this machine embroidery design from SweetPea for about a week now with one or two days off, and using as much time as I could possibly dedicate each day.  He is labor and time intensive but comes out beautifully!

Hope to make many more.  

However, there are many more projects that I hope will join him around here by Christmas so I must give them my attention for awhile.  

My son thought we should go into business together- he would fund me with an additional embroidery machine as long as I thought I could turn him a profit before too long- he is always the entrepreneur.  Not happening anytime soon...

Special Pillow


A friend brought me a shirt her mother had embroidered for her years and years ago.  She said she would never wear the shirt again but wanted to preserve the three special kitty embroideries from her mother's hands.  I combined them with some ivory to match the bedding in the room where she will use the pillow.  I think it came out beautifully.  

The flange is awesome!  I am not sure I will ever do a pillow without one ever again!